Bangladesh: Why a Bridge could Profoundly Impact Ruling Party’s Popularity?

[Bahauddin Foizee] Ruling party’s campaign to repeatedly publicize country’s recent developments, including Padma Bridge project, could now pay off in the next general election.

Why did Sirisena Fail to Achieve a Balanced Policy for Sri Lanka?

[Bahauddin Foizee]
Despite his attempts to reduce Chinese influence during the initial stage of his tenure, Sirisena had later realized that China has already established so deep influence in his country that he had little power to change this reality.

Asian Quad: Synthesis between China’s OBOR and US-led Quad

[Dr. Pankaj Jha]
The idea of an Asian Quad – comprising of Japan, India, Vietnam and Indonesia – would help to narrow the growing mistrust between China and the US, and would create an edifice acceptable to both. Hence, these two major powers need to subscribe to this idea of an Asian Quad.

India’s Lingering Concerns over Chinese Influence in Indian Ocean, South Asia

[Dr. Manoj Kumar Mishra] Mutual suspicions would dictate relations between China and India for a long time to come.

Asia’s Geopolitical Alliances are Shifting

[Conn M. Hallinan]
From what direction on the Compass Rose the winds out of Washington will blow is hardly clear, but increasingly a number of countries are charting a course of their own.

Whither Regional Cooperation in South Asia?

[Dr. Manoj Kumar Mishra] Putting sensitive bilateral issues out of the SAARC mandate has not yielded any positive results. Instead, the forum has been held hostage to bilateral disputes [largely between India and Pakistan]. The requirement of consensus has prevented SAARC from making any headway on desirable proposals on regional integration.