Why did Sirisena Fail to Achieve a Balanced Policy for Sri Lanka?

[Bahauddin Foizee] Despite his attempts to reduce Chinese influence during the initial stage of his tenure, Sirisena had later realized that China has already established so deep influence in his country that he had little power to change this reality.

India’s Lingering Concerns over Chinese Influence in Indian Ocean, South Asia

[Dr. Manoj Kumar Mishra] Mutual suspicions would dictate relations between China and India for a long time to come.

Asia’s Geopolitical Alliances are Shifting

[Conn M. Hallinan] From what direction on the Compass Rose the winds out of Washington will blow is hardly clear, but increasingly a number of countries are charting a course of their own.

Cooperation between Assad and Kurds in Syria

[Manish Rai] The Damascus negotiations [between Assad and Kurds] are more realistically an attempt to test the waters and we should not have any high hopes from these initial talks. The negotiations will be long and arduous process, as the Assad regime is very centralized. keeping the country united and stable requires decentralization by way of delegating the powers at the local level. In multi-ethnic countries like Nigeria and India, this kind of model has arguably helped to hold these countries together.

Xi Jinping, the Revered

[Felix Imonti] During the National People’s Congress (NPC) in October of 2017, Xi's failure to mention his successor was an implied hint to his intention to remain the chairman of the Communist Party for as long as he chooses; and the NPC has granted him a limitless reign.